

劉育津 副教授
信箱 ycliu@mail.shu.edu.tw
分機 63341
研究室 M622
兼任 資訊管理系  系主任








  • 世新大學大數據中心主任(2017/12~2021/07)
  • 世新大學資管系 專任副教授 (2013/2~迄今)
  • 世新大學資管系 專任助理教授 (2007/8 ~ 2013/1)



[1] Yun-Shan Cheng and Yu-Chin Liu, “Contrasting the Motivations of Using Social Networking Sites between Western and Eastern Countries”, Journal of Internet Technology, 6, pp. 1973-1983, 2019. (SCI) (Impact Factor: 0.715) (ISSN: 1607-9264).

[2] Yun-Shan Cheng, Ping-Yu Hsu and Yu-Chin Liu, (2018) “Identifying and recommending user-interested attributes with values”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(4), pp.765-781.

[3] 鄭雲珊、許秉瑜、劉育津, “社群網站使用者個人價值與需求之探究”, 電子商務研究(TSSCI), 12(1), pp.51-72, 2014/03

[4] Yu-Chin Liu, “Discovering Forward Sequences from Temporal Data”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 39, pp.67-78, 2013. (SCI) (Impact Factor: 2.422) (ISSN: 0950-7051) (Elsevier)

[5] Yu-Chin Liu and Yung-Chieh Hsu, “Predicting Adolescent Deviant Behaviors through Data Mining Techniques”, Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), pp.295-308, 2013. (SSCI) (NSC 98-2410-H -128-003-) (Impact Factor: 1.011) (ISSN: 1436-4522 (online) and 1176-3647 (print)) (Elsevier)



[1] 劉育津、王佳宜, “畢業生流向縱向分析-以S大學為例”, International conference on the development and application of big data and Enterprise resource management, March 2019, Taoyuan, Taiwan R.O.C. (ISBN: 978-986-97621-8-2)

[2] 劉育津、王梓峻, “探討知名網紅貼文及粉絲留言之文字風格-以YouTube為例”, International conference on the development and application of big data and Enterprise resource management, March 2019, Taoyuan, Taiwan R.O.C. (ISBN: 978-986-97621-8-2)

[3] Janet Hsieh and Cassie Liu, Multi-layer Convolutional Neural Network for Soccer Predictions, IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineer, June 2018.

[4] Yun Shan Cheng, Ping Yu Hsu and Yu-Chin Liu, Identifying and Recommending Interested Attributes with Values, International conference on the development and application of big data and Enterprise resource management, Mar. 2017, Hualien, Taiwan R.O.C.

[5] Yun Shan Cheng, Ping Yu Hsu and Yu-Chin Liu, Contrasting the Motivations of Using Social Network Sites between Western and Eastern Countries, International conference on the development and application of big data and Enterprise resource management, Mar. 2017, Hualien, Taiwan R.O.C.

[6] 洪綾君、郭迺鋒、劉育津、謝雨豆, “太陽花學運中社群網站關鍵意見因果關係之探索”, 2016年台灣政治學會年會研討會論文, 2016年10月.

[7] 劉育津、邱旻瀚、洪綾君、郭迺峰、謝雨豆, “PTT社群網站網民意見之探勘-以太陽花學運為例”, 2016年雲端計算與大數據研討會, 2016年7月.

[8] 劉育津、王惠妙, “美食網站推薦文之實用性評價的預測模型探-以愛評網為例”, 第十七屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 2016年3月.

[9] 劉育津、王禮賢, “以方法目的鏈探討消費者對行車紀錄器之需求”, 「經營管理」暨「資訊科技」研討會, 2016年6月.

[10] Yu-Chin Liu, In-Ya Lee and Yi-Hsuan Chiang, “Predicting Users’ Demographic Attributes from Browsing Data Analysis”, Social Media & Society Conference (#SMSociety15), July 2015, Toronto, Canada.


2018 資策會。資料加值分析模式規劃與驗證研究。計畫主持人

2017 就業學程金融科技服務創新學程。協同主持人

2015 科技部。網路社群留言的探索與分析–以太陽花學運為例。共同主持人

2015 台北市政府。市政資料庫或資料叢集盤點之研究。協同主持人


  • 107學年度榮獲「教學卓越教師-教學績優獎」
  • 105 學年度大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵
  • 103學年度榮獲「教學卓越教師-教學績優獎」